I spend a lot of time in nature; and notice things that give me pause, like the disappearance of spiders, or the increased foray of coyotes into civilization to retrieve roadkill. I notice the overuse of certain words by the mockingbird media; for their subliminal intent, and abundance is not a word that comes to mind often.

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i work in telecoms and spend my days admiring all the spiders in the chambers

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There seem to be fewer and fewer outdoors. I wonder if the birds are eating them.

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do you remember when you were younger and you had millions of bugs on your windscreen? it isnt like that anymore, too much Roundup. i suspect not only the lack of bugs but eating ones that have Roundup on them has contributed to their diminishing numbers

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Unlikely it's Roundup. More likely it's chem trails and EMF's. Just sayin'.

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it works like an antibiotic, in insects it blows their guts up till they explode. in humans its micro dosing antibiotics (translated = against-life)

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you should look it up, its the reason i gave up eating fruit and veg. its sprayed on everything, Brazil uses the most last i looked, how much fruit do you think they export?

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I didn't say I didn't know what it is. I am all over what it is, it fucked me up for YEARS.

But they don't just spray it EVERYWHERE, they spray it on our FOOD.

And that thing that shreds the insect guts? That's BT corn... GMO corn has a modification that includes a natural pesticide -- genetically implanted IN the corn-- and then it shreds OUR guts up like the poor bugs' guts...

I've done a shit ton of research on this stuff because of what it did to me... I started a trend on Facebook called "Monsanto Must Die." I am proud of that... ;)

And yeah... ANTI BIOTIC = TOXIN to LIFE.

But while I'm sure Roundup kills a LOT of things, the chem trails and the EMF's are killing a SHITLOAD more, because it's sprayed all over everything, not just crops... Okay, sorry if I went off the rails!

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Maybe the EMF's are frying the little critters, along with a lot of the birds...

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Love it. No idea who Matty is, but clearly he's a fucktard.

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he was our 'health' secretary during the bullshit times. he ordered 3 times the normal amount of midazolam for care homes than is normally used. it is used in the terminally ill, those with advanced Alzheimer's to keep them basically immobile and numb, its horrible at the best of times and also an ingredient in Americas lethal injection. they basically killed anyone with a positive covid test using it mixed with morphine, look up the side effects in combination, its murder.

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Don't you love equal effects being called side effects. Ha.

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That's especially vile considering a "positive covid test" is basically a nothing...


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the video makes more sense in that context huh

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GETTR has benefitted enormously from Twitter's stupidity. I am glad you were able to download one of DrDrMcHonkHonk's recent videos..... they are all brilliant - but digging at Midazolam Matt was particularly special.

Will he ever be dragged before a court? Or will he disappear to Argentina like previous fascists?

My money is on Argentina...

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