Mar 5, 2023·edited Mar 5, 2023Liked by Ray

You usually give us a happy ending with a cute animal photo.

The hedgehog one reminds me of my young self when I used to, all the time, move the speech therapist sign around to read "speech the rapist".

Never stopped being hilarious to me.

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theres a cute hotdog pic at the end, i guess you have a glitch

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that dog with the crush on his vet was pretty cute!

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it was pretty sweet <3

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But I want the song to go, "When a dog loves a woman..." lol

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The hotdog one caused me anguish.

The one at the vet was cringey, like morons getting the clotshots and loving it and sooo grateful.

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both dogs had the cutest faces and im not all that big on dogs, prefer cats except maybe huskies but they are very demanding

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Funny how dogs sitting in the front passenger seat in cars, often look like people.

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Even my awokened family members have humoured me over the last two years with my photo diary of the sky graffiti. And when I said the dusks are now orange because they’re releasing sulphur of some sort, they laughed.


Sulphur particles.

I hate that I’m right. But this confirms my findings that the oak trees are experiencing browning of leaves in the spring and summer is as a result of acid rain (from sulphur). And even v hardy gorse had die back.

Guess I was right too at the start of the mask ‘strong suggestion’ from Govn’t that the response from others to my unmasked face was just like the Star in Germany.

All I can say: I wish I wasn’t right that this is a well planned and orchestrated depop plan from the Malthusian eugenicists.

I hope they hang them high. Johnson who thinks he didn’t break the rules having birthday drinks during lockdown.

Hancock who used tax payers money to buy a company supplying Midazalam. Aka racketeering. Hancock who made his relatives, friends and publican millionaires through giving them PPE contracts. And Hancock the eugenicist killer who DECIDED TO KILL THE FRAIL. I wish I wasn’t right about that especially so. FYI I have been posting on UK’s T4 Programme since April 2020! Hancock who has released a film to make his illegal euthanasia crimes legal. May he and the med teams and care homes that went along with Midazalam morphine DNARs all be prosecuted and jailed.

As for my future wish,

I wish my grandchildren can grow up free to think any way they want. And enjoy any hobby they want. Without restrictions. And I pray that through divine intervention, and inspiration to all the truth tellers, that justice will prevail.

G*d save the people. And May the king go straight to where he belongs —- to hell!

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“For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.” -1 Corinthians:25✝️💥

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still trying to get that hair off my screen! well, at least it wasn't a hare 😜

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Excellent stuff Ray and I couldn't agree more!

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I LOVE this article Ray! I started getting angry when you listed all the bs TPTB declared.

We lost our jobs. But, no jabs or flu shots. I’m grateful for my intuition, given by God my Father.

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deletedMar 5, 2023·edited Mar 5, 2023Liked by Ray
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this is what is bothering me the most and probably why i do this page, the lack of consequences

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Did you hear about the Minister of Death and Social Welfare in the UK, Matt Hancock? Messaging about when to scare the pants off people by announcing a new variant.

I'll link you to Stegiel's Substack where Stegiel has a Twitter thread in his comments section.

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its a distraction from his real crimes of killing old people in care homes with midazolam and morphine. https://twitter.com/TheEyes2022/status/1632011093907238912?s=20

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That monkey boy!

The universities here in NZ are currently pushing students to get the monkey pox shot. And 'flu shot.

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i was just reading somewhere that NZ has its highest death rate in 100 years.

monkeypox flatlined quite a while a go

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We're always a bit behind the rest of the world.

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May he be tarred and feathered, placed on the rack and beheaded in the tower after first allowing the relatives to stone him within an inch away from death.

I truly hate him, and Kurdish Zahawi who stated in HoC ‘The Covid v is as Safe as the HPV’. Actually who told the truth with spin to vilify the truth tellers.

And such as arch Steve Baker who we thought was a good guy went along with the lie.

Truth be told, the world would be a better place if politics was made illegal.

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