This is the best meme pool ever!

I can't pick one

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Oh and fuck the pohleece!

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Police here in Canuckistan are like the police in Germany. When Hitler came to power, the police became the Gestapo. Here in Canuckistan the same thing will happen if turdo passes the fake "Harms" bill. That will make him the lying stalinist stooge as the Canuckistani version of Hitler.

So we see now why turdo is trying to ban all guns. He is mimicking Hitler in the exact same way that was done in Germany to bring in the Nazi regime. So now all the people who voted for this Stalinist are responsible for the abrupt changeover to a DICKtatorship and the biggest target for responsibility is the NDP and Singh.

So what does this auger for people like me? I will not stop but will continue to speak the Truth in defiance of the turdo and his jack booted ASSministration. That is my duty and it looks like the rest of my existence if his "DICKtatorship bill passes. I will not be intimidated by an ample assed pie faced spawn of a commie fake father and a hippie headcase.

In retrospect, convicts are far better people than the Bloc, the NDP, the LPC, and the Greeners. They are far better people than the OPP, specifically the SFOPP who are already stalinist stooges, the Calgary PS, the OPS, and others who have committed violations of the Charter and the CCC.

Being cast into prison is far better than being a member of those police services above listed or a member of the political parties also listed above.

We are about to see the total loss of freedom, the beginning of serious human rights violations, and the final slide into a DICTatorship headed by turdo. The weight and attribution/fault of this will be the fools who voted the lying loon into office and the same fools who voted for the NDP.

In the midst of stalinist liars in the injustice CYSTem, the SFOPP, two bureauCRAPS one of which died mysteriously, two JP's, and a slew of other CYSTem criminals, exists the hideous carcass of trudope whose future is uncertain. A long time ago I stated I was ready to be offered up and that has not nor will not change.

There were people in the USA who when trudope was elected, immediately recognized him as a communist. They were right. He was and is, but what could be expected with fake parents like a commie kook father and a hippie mother?

The question now is will there be an election or will there be a coup by the CYSTem to enable their DICKtator to continue as Justie Hitler? I am betting the biDUMB, ovomit and both their ASSministrations will actually want to send troops to support trudope, for they themselves are but stalinists and criminals.

Western nations have been seduced and compromised by evil people, starting slowly in 1969 and have sold their heritage for a pottage of stew. The embrace of vile sins and the whoredoms of apostate ministers in their rejection of God has caused Him to give people in this land exactly what they want and He has honored their wishes to elect a DICKtator to rule over us all who represents the wicked kings of scriptural history God used to punish his people. I said publicly several weeks ago that God was at the point where He would not extend His patience any further. In fact, Billy Graham said the same thing decades ago, when the USA was fast tracking into embracing the evils of those days, the same evils now misconstrued as normal that flood the lands of western nations today.

Looking at things cognitively, I am not surprised that God has allowed the current state of affairs to occur. The wholesale stupidity of leftist fools who have embraced the "new morality" (immorality) is the reason western nation after western nation has fallen to vile sin, becoming a stench in the nostrils of God.

I am not afraid, for I believe scriptures do not lie and in fact prophecies of any sort have always been fulfilled. The end game will see horrors occur that beggar description and while I do not reference end time events, it is possible He has called things in, or will shortly, but I am not anything but a man who has observed the decline of free nations starting in 1969 the year I graduated high school.

Such fools men be to look and not see, to crave pure water yet choose to drink from sewers, to desire life yet walk the path of destruction. I speak applicably to the last time period back 55 years and I am serious when I type the sentence before this one.

A verse comes to mind that I memorized and which has been in my head a long time. We are at the point where I wonder if its portent was calculated by omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent God to be reserved for us all now.

"Prepare to meet thy God." Do not blame him. We only have ourselves to be held accountable and responsible. We rejected God and His Ways and embraced the slimy vomitries of sins that were and are abominations to Him.

Laugh and tell me this did not happen when it did. Am I melodramatic? For sure I am not an authority as are others I know nor schooled in theology but I can see, hear and feel what is out there now and it is not pretty.

The reality is now the Truth and Freedom hang in the balances. The imminent passage of the trudopian Harms Act will set the stage for persecution, injustice, and hardship never seen in this nation. Am I wrong?

You better pray that I am, but if I am wrong I believe we are so near here in Canuckistan to national destruction that things have declined to the worst extent ever in the history of this nation.

Time itself will tell.

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God bless you in my prayers 🙏🏻

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Despite lack of cheese, I approve of this programming.

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sorry, just ate the edam with my burgers

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Protecting his cock, HAAHAHAHAHAAA

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A great selection. Half a dozen of them vying for the top spot. 🤣😂🤣

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These are all good!

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Funny 😆 thank you, I needed that!

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Any meme with Glenn Danzig gets a fuck yesssssss from me.

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Fabulous to say the least.

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Thanks!!!! XX

Great .

I had the Trans_AM back in 1978 . Crap what was I driving?? LOVED that car !!

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Too much goodness to list the best — it was a fantastic compilation. Shirtless Putin’s new Whack-a-Mole, ALL the safe and exotic food memes, and I can’t forgot the inspired Zelensky in a thong with suspenders hanging with his friends. Might as well bring all the liars to table.

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Gave me a few good laughs! Some of them are hilarious, and others are ingenious!

Still, please, notice that moral relativism also results in the loss of cultural standards. Islam is Islam:


And the mostly Jewish-owned media supports Islam in spite of Islam rendering both Jews and Christians half-human:


Also, those who take sides about Gaza have already lost:


Please, notice that "spike protein" is a red herring. Facts are a lot more complex:


Most "military" spending is serving the purpose of bankrupting the country, and the collateral for the private bank's, the Federal Reserve's issuing the USD as a loan to the taxpayer, is "all assets and its inhabitants' lives and limbs."


And no, most of the money is spent as in "quantitative easing," on friends and families helping out each other to the point that the $600 per week and the $400/wk after that amounted only to 4% of the total expenses as a response to the plandemic, which resulted in forcing over half of small and medium-sized businesses out of business.

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I am sure, given a bit more thought, you could have promoted yourself a lot more, Ray. 🙄

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In the temporal mode God usually does not intervene in the affairs of men though he can and has and will at times. He slew over ten thousand of his own people in the desert for being ingrates and whiners. I wish He would send a horde of ticks to suck Turdo's blood dry. It would be fitting. The criminal lying bigot is stealing the money of the taxpayer with his fake carbon tax.

Thank you.

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