i watch this guys podcast every week, he’s funny, insightful and genuine.
you can watch the whole thing if you want but i selected a copy from a bit that seems relevant:
^ not a fan of his when he went totally nuts about the jab but that doesnt mean everything he says is wrong.
heres a tip for cat owners:
I quit my job-- they lied every which way.
We have met the enemy and the Anti-Federalists lost the fight. The Confederacy fought and lost as well. Empire won. In winning though the Empire did not expand freedom but advanced a "Roman Peace" and now turns on the population of the United States to consolidate a true Globalist Empire -a war and wealth extraction machine. We do not know how many casualties in the United States have occured to date. In nearly 2.5 years including lock downs and vaccine deaths and vaccine injuries perhaps 20 million. If this Empire building is permitted to continue up to November I would not be astonished if armed conflict took more. The contemporary situation is a lawless group of Brigands have grasped and hold State power. There is no ally in waiting in this country to come to our rescue. We in each county have to do this ourselves.